Eli Scoots

Yesterday, Eli wanted to get where Sophia was. I told him to scoot to her. He did. He is MUCH slower than his former scoot, but he was able to go. He was proud of himself.

He still cannot go from sitting to laying or vice versa, but mainly because his legs are too big around from the bandages and wrap for him to sneak them from in front of him to behind. That's a bummer, but he just might get it to happen before he's relieved of the bandages and wrap on Feb. 1.

Eli will return to the Little Light House tomorrow. This will be his first day since before Christmas. He's been gone a long time and gotten really used to having mom or dad around, so I'm sure there will be an adjustment in the morning. I have no doubt he will get right back into the swing of things though.

We go to the ENT this afternoon.

Tomorrow is my sweet husband's birthday.36. Be sure to wish him a happy birthday if you see him. I, unfortunately, will be working from morning to night. We'll celebrate, of course, just not tomorrow.

Love you all,


Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday to David! Also praying for Eli's return to school.I bet he will do great!
Sounds like he is adjusting to the changes in his life and will just keep on getting better.
Anonymous said…
Wow guys. I cried as I read thru your past blogs on Eli's surgery. They were so moving and I know that was a difficult decision. I am so exicted for the wonderful things that are in his future including walking!!! It will happen and I can't wait to see it. Tell him hi from Kim "the mean PT" :) Praying for him and your family. Kim Knapp
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday David! What a remarkable kid Eli is and will continue to be. Thanks for the pics and updates.

Nurse Marianne said…
Glad I got to be there for Eli's first day back....love that kid!

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