
Anonymous said…
Cute,sweet precious pics in every way of your boy and his beautiful family.So glad you were able to capture his sweet feet in such a special and natural way.Thanks so much for sharing.I am praying for you all here.
Leveta-Wife to Carl,Mom to Chad 17 (bio) Sam 14 and Kaitrin 10 both from India through Dillon International
Anonymous said…
Melissa, thank you so much for posting the pictures. I hope you realize how much Sophia is looking,favoring,has expressions so like you. Eli is his own little man and his expressions can almost be read even in pictures. David, well we all know how grandma feels about the #1 grandson. Give him a big hug for me for his birthday.
Love you all, Bobbie
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday Dave!
Can't believe I was taking you to driver's ed 20 years ago!
Very proud of you and your fambly.
Love, Minnie
Great slide show. I am VERY impressed with how he is using his thumb with the blocks.
Alicia said…
What great pictures of Eli and your family! I can not get over how well he is doing....just amazing. Do you think he "knows" anything is different with his feet? And happy birthday to David!

Anonymous said…
The photos are beautiful. He had such sweet little feet. You just want to kiss them. Prayers your way.
Emily said…
Aww.... just makes me smile. And, I can hear him say "Hi, Emily". I love it. Love it.

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