Eli Smiles and Scoots

This photograph was taken before his latest hair cut, but isn't he just adorable!

We recently purchased Elijah a new infant car seat. Yes, he is nearly 2, but his size is such that he requires continued use of an infant seat. The one we were using belonged to Sophia and had seen FAR better days. I feel much better taking him on six hour car rides now that he has a more comfortable and secure seat.

He has also learned to scoot himself. My mom announced to me "You didn't tell me he could crawl." I was dumbfounded because I hadn't really seen it yet. Although I had heard from Eli's nurse that she had been working on crawling, I hadn't witnessed the magic. He lays on his side, pushes his legs forward and then moves the top of his body along with it. His technique is as unique as Eli himself, but he can fetch toys in his sight and that is a HUGE accomplishment for him.

We are also working on his use of his electric chair. Going very well and now we get to convince his insurance to buy us the device. Photos and video soon.
Love you all!


Emily said…
Melissa...I love it. I love love love love it. He looks like a little boy in that picture. Truly..like a little boy.

Also, really..I miss that kiddo and would love to come see you all soon...and I can't believe he's almost two years old...
Emily Kaye said…
What a great picture! I'm so glad to hear of all his progress! Looking forward to new videos!

Emily Kaye
Angela Stevens said…
Excellent! Tell Eli to keep up the good work!

Angela Stevens

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