What a day brings

Dear Friends and Family,

I know in my post yesterday, I quickly noted that Eli was home and happy. That was true, yesterday. Today, he is being re-admitted to the hospital for dehydration. To be really technical: he’s pooping too much. The docs will re-test him for c.diff and a battery of other possibilities.

Shall I remind you about our last two months? Eli had skull surgery on Jan 28. He was in the hospital in OKC for one week after that surgery, then home for one week. Then, hospitalized for c. diff and dehydration for 3 weeks, then home for one week. Then, hospitalized for MRSA and a nasty fungal infection for one week, then home for one week. Now, hospitalized for something “to be determined.”

Elijah seems to be caught in a vicious cycle of infection: antibiotics to fight infection, infection from too many antibiotics, more antibiotics to fight the infection from too many antibiotics, a new infection from hospitalization, more antibiotics to fight the new infection from hospitalization, infection from too many antibiotics...I was hopeful we had broken the cycle, but it appears we have not.

I am sure most of you will talk about our sweet family saying: “how in the world do they manage?” I’ve been on the flip side of the equation this last weekend with my cousin’s dear baby being suddenly diagnosed with brain cancer and having emergency surgery yesterday to remove the tumor.

How do they manage?

Well, let me be the one to answer that probe: honestly, I have no idea how, but we do manage by the grace of God.

Sophia doesn’t know yet about the re-hospitalization and I can tell you, she will be devastated. Normalcy in her life is a precious commodity.

I have been looking forward to Deron’s sermon this Sunday on the red letters “Do not worry.” I could use some help in that area. David and I are going to fit it into our lives to read those red letters each week even if it isn’t how I had it pictured -- as a family around the kitchen table.

Not to complain, but David is on antibiotics for a chest infection, Sophia is on antibiotics for a sinus infection, my sister broke her toe and my mom has a sinus infection. David’s grandmother offered to put a spell on me to keep me well. I could use it. We will manage.

Elijah is still laughing, which keeps the rest of us laughing right along with him no matter the other challenges we face.

We could use your prayers! Elijah needs to get his GI situation straightened out and start gaining weight. Since we’ve been home this one week from the hospital, he’s only gained 2 ounces. That’s not good considering he’s lost nearly 2 pounds in the last two months. Pray he remains pain free. Pray they find a good vein for an IV and that the IV lasts as long as they need it to. Pray for his doctors, assistants and nurses to diagnose Eli quickly and correctly treat his illness with compassion and determination.

We love you all and thank you for your support.
Melissa Ramirez


Anonymous said…
So sorry guys. I know this is tough on all. Thanks for the update. Will pray for a speedy hospital stay and for weight gain. I'm thankful he is in no pain and is laughing. Those things are important.

Anonymous said…
Still praying for Eli and Gavin. Praise God for what He's done, is doing, and is going to do.

Mary N
Anonymous said…
melissa & david,
i am continuing to pray for your family, and for gavin's family. in the midst of all this difficulty, you all are such a testament to the God's strength. you are reaching more people than you know. thank you for taking the time to update everyone. praying for you all...
amber r (wrbc)
Emily said…
I'm happy to hear he's laughing. That's what we all need to hear some days.

Absolutely in my prayers. So much.
Kristina said…
I have followed your story about Eli for a long time, thanks to updates from Stacie, via email. It breaks my heart to see how many times Eli has had to be in the hospital, especially recently. I saw that you had posted a notice about Gavin just Monday and how then you had your Eli at home; and now to think that you are also at a different hospital with your little one... I sit here and can't believe how much you and your family has endured, if you think of both stories, both kiddos in the hospital right now... Know that I am praying for you, little Eli, little Gavin, and for strength for the whole family. Your faith and strength are an amazing testament to many many people. It is great to hear that little Eli is laughing..sounds like such a joyous little one. May God's peace and comfort be with all of you--
Anonymous said…
I've kept up with your blog through a friend of mine who must know you. Know that I'm praying for your family and trusting God will bring healing to ALL of you. I couldn't help but notice you talking about the vicious antibiotic cycle. Has anyone ever talked to you about probiotics? Antibiotics get rid of infection, but they also remove the good bacteria that the gut needs to maintain health long term. They make probiotics in a powder form for infants and toddlers that can be mixed with anything from water to yogurt/applesauce, milk, etc. It's extremely effective. Our son has been on a lot of antibiotics. We just immediately get him on probiotics along with it and keep it up for 10 days after the antibiotic course. The brand we use is NaturesWay and it has to be refrigerated. Here's to healing and miracles!!

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