Ramirez Theatre Presents (2 of 3)

2. Sophia - A Star Is Born

BONUS FUN FACT: Her new pet is a... HAMSTER. She named it Princess.

If it sometimes feels like all our attention on this site goes toward Elijah and never to Sophia, I guess there's a reason for that. Melissa and I are very proud of all the amazing people who've helped Elijah over the past two years, and this blog serves (with amazing effectiveness) as a place to thank those people, find new helpers, and provide updates to all those who pray for our little soldier. Sophia, on the other hand, doesn't always belong on Eli's blog. That's not to say she doesn't belong in the spotlight; on the contrary, she has earned her place at the microphone, and her outgoing personality and desire to self-improve have made her one of my best friends.

But while Elijah seems, almost by necessity, to live under a microscope of international proportions, his mother and I are doing our set-level best to keep Sophia's life as non-broadcast as possible. When Elijah demands our attention, we do our best to provide equal time for the girl. When Elijah is in surgery or traveling out of state, we keep Sophia occupied with friends and family so she doesn't have to carry the burden of worrying about him. Sophia is destined, by virtue of being Elijah's sister, to have an extraordinary perspective on life, hopefully one of indepth empathy and hope. The same is true for everyone who knows him. Having said that, to the best of our ability, Eli's journey has the potential to force her to grow up too fast, and we will do our best to keep that from happening. It's one of the trickiest tightropes we walk, but what's one more?

We'd like to thank everyone who sent Christmas gifts to both Elijah and Sophia. We made certain those gifts were addressed to "The Best Big Sister In The World," and we explained that they came from people who pray for Elijah and who think Sophia is doing a great job. They're right, she is.

- Dave


Anonymous said…
Thanks so much for sharing your private Christmas. Love seeing the happy faces and hearing the voices of cheer. Everyone in this family is so blessed. Thank you Lord for every day. They are all so special. To God be the glory.
Anonymous said…
You go Sophia!! Watch out American Idol. I am so glad you had a great Christmas and are enjoying your presents. And, I can't wait to see pictres of Princess.

Kim in Tahlequah
Anonymous said…
David and Melissa,
I have wanted to tell you for weeks how blessed I feel to have Sophia in our Girl Scout troop. As someone who has gotten to hang out with her in a setting with the other girls her age, Sophia stands out as a young lady who is very sure of who she is. She is laid back and has a sense of humor that I find very much like my own. She has made me bust out laughing on several occasions with her wit. I'm so glad you all joined the troop - and I think you all are doing a fantastic job. If there's ever anything I can do to help, just let me know.

Emily said…
Sophia's rendition of "Fabulous" was awesome! She's going to do some amazing things! What an incredible little girl.

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