Hospital Routine Resumes

Elijah is back in the hospital tonight. From my last post, you know he isn't feeling well. He's started throwing up every time we feed him. More alarming, he's throwing up through his mouth...okay, so that likely doesn't sound very alarming to those of you less familiar with Elijah's very first surgical procedure. He had a fundoplication where a part of the stomach is wrapped around the end of the esophagus so that one cannot reflux, throw up or burp. I know the outcome sounds pretty awful, but at the time he was starving due to projectile vomiting everything we fed him. Eli's throwing up probably means the pressure in his tummy is so great it overcomes the fundo.

Today, the docs have performed a whole list of tests to rule out more severe complications. We're still waiting on some results, but several have come back fine.

I have to tell you about the total agony to watch Eli have an upper GI done today. First bummer, he was strapped on a board. Second bummer, a GIANT machine was hovering over him and the radiologist was moving it around. It totally scared my little guy. He was screaming his sweet head off and I reached under to touch his arm in condolence. He literally jumped and screamed even harder. I felt awful and tried to talk him down from the cliff. Speaking of "cliff" he had his little friend Clifford, but I had to hold Clifford on Eli's head so that he didn't get in the x-ray and Eli didn't much approve of that either. It was plain terrible. Just isn't right to put a little kid through so much.

My motto is that David is the one to help Eli through these terrible tests. Okay, that's not my motto, but I've decided to adopt it after today. I pray God will protect my sweet child's dreams. I can only imagine the horror of that big machine moving over the top of his little body and how he must have felt. I pray his conscious and subconscious forgets.

Well, I'll keep you posted here on the blog.

Few special shout outs: Carl in Arkansas thanks for the sweet card to "Master Eli Ramirez." He received it today and it brought tears to his mom's eyes. I literally sent Eli and his dad off to the Emergency Room and checked the mail to find your kind note. And, to Mrs. White's junior and senior class, thanks for praying for my sweet kiddo. Soon, I'll have to bring him to meet you.

Love you all,


Anonymous said…
Dear Melissa: I wish I could be there with you, just to be able to love on you and Elijah. Those experiences must be horrible for both of you. Thanks for sharing with us. We are praying for you all and know God loves you and will comfort each of you. Sounds like you are doing all you can.
We will see you as soon as possible. gb or bg, same person.

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