Front page news

Not yet 2 years old and Eli has made front-page news in the Tulsa World today. You will enjoy reading his story on line at We were honored to make the paper and have the chance to share Eli's inspiring story with even more people.

If the story today has brought you to Eli's blog for the first time, welcome. Here is where you can learn more about Elijah's journey as we conquer his unique set of challenges. We welcome your comments and encouragement as the days, weeks and months pass and Eli proves anything is possible. He is truly a work of art by our Heavenly Father.

Now, he sits in my lap as I type.

He sits.

I remember the days when I wondered if he would ever be able to sit and today, he's proven he can do it. I know Eli has many, many more of these feats up his sleeve.

More video soon and the BIG reveal of Eli's newly constructed wrist and arm very, very soon. Check back here.

With love and gratitude,


Emily said…
I have it linked on my blog too, Melissa!

It was awesome to see his smiling face and his two amazing parents who have done everything for him right by his side.

What a joy to see the way God has worked in your life, and in his life too!

I'm so glad you started this blog! It makes me feel more connected....I miss you all!

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