Eli Arrives in Shreveport

Elijah is watching "Finding Nemo" as he fights sleep, lying in his pack-n-play in Shreveport, LA. The wind and rain are fierce outside, but no one seems to notice. I thought I'd take some time and get more footage of our adorable pal on the blog. Enjoy.

1. Elijah in Shreveport - Part 1

2. Elijah receives a special gift from Rhode Island

3. Two Kids Laughing: Our good friends--and heroes to Elijah--Tony and Cherry Cooper are visiting this week from Los Angeles, CA. Tony is Melissa's cousin, and he raised some money recently for Elijah by taking part in a community fundraiser. He brought his son Ayden to meet Elijah, and the results were hilarious.


Anonymous said…
David -
Melissa & I have been following your blog and hope things work for Wednesday. And with your permission, I'd like to have our web news folks tag your blog with a web story on www.newson6.com

Could you give me a buzz Tuesday or shoot an email over?

Emory Bryan / News on 6
Anonymous said…
I'm so glad that you all made it to Shreveport and everything is on schedule for the surgery, can't wait to hear about the progress.
Lora and Jeremy
Emily said…
There is nothing better than to hear his laugh, absolutely nothing better. Brings smiles and a few tears to my face today!

Praying for you all!

Give the boy a hug from me!

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