Friend in need of prayers

A very good friend of David and mine had surgery yesterday to have a baseball-sized tumor removed from her brain. Her name is Susie and she could use your prayers for a speedy recovery and cancer-free diagnosis. Susie's two small kids are good friends of Sophia and Eli. David and I are good friends with Susie and her husband James. The doctors found the tumor on August 25 and removed it four days later in an all-day surgery. I can empathize with the words that changed their lives...but hopefully changed only for a temporary time of recovery.

Eli is doing very well. He had his firs two days back at school for the year. He did very well. He was very tired...even yesterday, which is his day off each week. He learns and grows so much at the LLH. Be sure to support Eli's mini lap if you are able and if you are not able, pass the request on to a friend. The cause is so worthy...the kids accomplish amazing things then click on donations and mini sure to list Elijah Ramirez as the kid you are sponsoring.

We love you all!


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