Elijah's latest

Eli is doing really great. It makes me so sad that he has to endure his 10th surgery coming up on August 12. Of course, it is really great that he is feeling so great, which means he is in his best condition for surgery. Pray he stays that way...it is very important. Pray his slight runny nose goes away too.

The rest of the Ramirezes are just fabulous today. David's back is feeling good. He's had some rough days in the past few, but today it is rested and doing well.

I googled pollicization, which is Eli's upcoming surgery, and I found this interesting blog about another extraordinary kid. You can see his pollicization here.

Of course, for minute-by-minute play-by-play of Eli's pollicization...stay tuned here.

Love you all,


Anonymous said…
So happy to hear everyone is doing better at your house. We appreciate the updates on everyone and will be looking forward to more progress for Eli. Love you all.
Pete and Linda

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