E-mom discovered

Dear Friends and Family,

I hope you have been waiting for an update on sweet baby Elijah. This minute, David has taken him back to the Saint Francis Hospital urgent care clinic to have his blood drawn to check his bicarbonate levels. He’s still out of wack. We checked it last night and it was 19. The doc gave him a quick IV fluid “drink,” but thankfully he was not admitted to the hospital. This morning his bicarb was rechecked to be even lower, so tonight we’re checking it again and hoping for a higher number. His good mood indicates he will receive a lucky “22” on his bicarb, which would be an 8 point increase over this morning. Anyway, I’m pulling for 22!

Any time Elijah realizes he’s about to go into his car seat to go somewhere he gets crazy happy. Understand that exactly half the time Elijah is strapped into his car seat, he is being carted to the doctor’s office where he will likely be stuck, jabbed and poked. Exactly the other half of the time he’s strapped into his car seat, he’s coming home from the doctor where he’s likely been stuck, jabbed and poked. Still, his arms fly and his smile shines when he sees his car seat being prepped for his arrival. Eli is a “glass half full” kind of guy. For this and a slew of other reasons, I just love him!

My great news: I met an e-mom with an almost 11 year old daughter with Elijah’s same condition (or very close). They live in Belgium and I communicate with her via e-mail. My heart is filled with joy! She reports not being able to find a child like her’s when her daughter was young, but now she is willing to be my long-distance kindred spirit. One who has traveled this barely-traveled road before me. This has been a deep desire of mine for nearly 16 months. God has answered my prayers for a friend with a deep understanding of my trials. I hope one day our families will meet in person.

Other exciting news: David and I have been searching for avenues to earn the financial resources our sweet Elijah will need in the coming years and decades to make his life the absolute best it can be. Although we are pursuing several avenues, one of them lies in a direct marketing endeavor that the company won’t let me name its copyright-protected name in a blog. That un-named awesome, health and wellness company launched new products this week that are simply amazing. If you are willing to let me share the details of this endeavor with you personally (think redirect the money you already spend on skincare, cosmetics, weight loss, vitamins, etc. to a line of safe and beneficial products that you order directly on-line at a discount), send me an e-mail at melramirez22@yahoo.com.

I promise I won’t leave you wondering about that bicarb number for long, so check back on Eli’s blog soon.

With love and appreciation,


Anonymous said…
I'm a 1992 MCHS grad and will definately add Elijah to my Sunday School prayer list and my nightly prayers as well. God Bless You.
Anonymous said…
it's such a small world. i have a dear friend who lives in belgium...she's an american who also speaks french. i don't know where your e-mom friend lives, or her native language, but if you ever need some sort of connection to that area, i'm sure my friend could help. just shoot me an email (bobbie knows my email). praying for you all...
Stacie said…
What fantastic news!!! I know that I've already found such comfort in contacting parents who are dealing with Gavin's tumor type. Congratulations!!!!

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