Elk River... BE-AWESOME

Having fun is a lot of work.

I just spent three days at Elk River outside Noel, Missouri, and it was a blast. We met about 30 of Melissa's family members at a campsite just a few yards from the river bank, and there was nothing to do but float down the river, walk up the river, float down again, then eat a criminally large and delicious meal. This happened nine times. I am in four different kinds of debilitating pain. (Sunburn, indigestion, muscle, computer detox.)

Brother-in-law David brought me and Elijah back so that Mr. Big Little can return to school in the morning, but I think Eli would rather have stayed. We sealed his feeding button and his cast, set him down in six inches of river water and listened to him squeal, laugh and babble for hours at a time. He absolutely loved it.

Hope your summer is well underway.


Amy said…
It WAS fun wasn't it? I loved watching Elijah have so much fun in the water. What a sweetie!

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