Cold Comfort (Snowy Day Contemplations)
Snow makes me happy. I was born in January, so the majority of my birthdays have taken place in snow. When I tell people I prefer winter to summer, I actually mean that I prefer the cold to the heat. It’s inefficient to be a fan of snow unless you live someplace it’s certain to fall constantly, and that ain’t Tulsa. But here it is, at the end of March, and it’s pretty magnificent. Snow makes me contemplative. I assumed when Melissa started this blog, I’d take the opportunity to indulge my contemplative side. As it turns out, my contemplations in regard to Elijah tend to be a little too... terrestrial. Rather than get all emotional, I talk about doctor’s appointments, surgical details, travel schedules. All that organization brings sharp focus to the reality of the situation, and so sometimes, I think dark thoughts. Which is why, when good things happen, I’m plesantly surprised. It’s like enjoying snow but never seeing snow; to make the best of summer days makes sense operationally. And...