Videos! Videos! Videos!


1. Elijah Makes Strides

Here's video of Eli arriving at feeding therapy. Miss Tara is helping him "walk-walk" from the car to the front door, and he wants so badly to succeed. Tara has moved on to another home due to scheduling changes, but she was with us for over a year, and we appreciate everything she did for little Eli. Best of luck, Tara, and God bless you.

2. Eat, Elijah, Eat! (3 videos)

We're having great success with Kathy at Therapy Works, as we slowly learn to eat by mouth. Elijah is practicing how to ask for different flavors, how to put the food in his mouth with both his fingers and a spoon, and how to close his lips around food so he can swallow it. For the first three years, any kind of intrusion into Eli's mouth past the teeth made him gag, so even the small progress we've made is amazing.

And also... DRUMROLL PLEASE! I actually witnessed him put a Cheerio in his mouth, chew it and swallow it last week, for the first time! He'd eaten some peach puffs in the past, but they had been crushed, mixed with water, and we're dubious as to whether they were swallowed. He is growing up so fast!

3. Sophia and Elijah at the Fair

Everyone in the Ramirez household loves the Tulsa State Fair. This year, Elijah came with us and had a really great time, although he grew sleepy before the rest of us. Fortunately, Dad was around to take care of the boy, while our friend Todd MacDonald ( rode all the fair rides with Sophia, and I'm talking about the crazy-fast ones. I was more than content to let Todd enjoy his first fair in a long time.

Todd came to stay with us for a week while he toured some Oklahoma churches and promoted his new album, "Pilgrims Here." He spent most of his downtime with me and the kids, and the week after he left, I picked Eli up from school one day and he asked, "Where's Todd?" Anyway, at the fair, Todd saw a teenage boy walk by with a cowboy hat so ridiculously big, Todd had to ask, "Do you think he won that at one of these booths?" I had to point out to him that he was part of a group of kids, and one of the others had a cowboy hat on as well, still big but not monstrously so. I'm glad we Okies make an impression.


Can't tell you how much we enjoyed the post and the videos! Thank you for taking the time to give us our "Sophia and Eli fix"! Keeping you all in our prayers. Can't wait to hear about the visit with the new prosthetist (sp?). God bless you all!

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