Sophia and Eli meet the Incredible Hannah

Sophia was so excited to meet her new friend Hannah that she met her in the driveway upon arrival. Hannah came out of the van wearing her running legs (blades) having some balancing issues. We all walked inside and Sophia immediately started telling Hannah about her play room upstairs. Hannah was itching to get those pesky legs off and run up the stairs. Her mom helped her remove her legs and she zipped up the staircase like it was nothing. I cried. Hannah is the girl I've mentioned before. She had to have both legs amputated at the knee when she was only 9 months old. She too was born with legs that wouldn't work. She has adapted like a pro. She is a happy, active and smart kid. Hannah and her mom came for a visit on Saturday. Kim, Hannah's mom, brought all of Hannah's legs...about 5 pair. She kindly showed us how they worked and Hannah demonstrated her ability to use the two she currently fits. She's not mastered it. She is 5. She'd much rather enjoy life on h...