Eli out of surgery

So, I know I jumped a few posts going from his arm is broken to he is out of surgery. Sorry. We've been busy.

We are in Shreveport where Elijah had his rod removed from his arm and his bone set to heal from the break. He is doing great. They fit us in today so the wait for his turn for the procedure was until 1:30, which meant no food all day. As soon as we were back in the room, I fed him and he went sound asleep. He's been in pain since Sunday evening with that broken bone. I know he'll feel much better soon. Doc says his wrist should be fine despite the rod coming out sooner than they had wanted (something Eli is known for). We plan to head back home tomorrow.

I am SO impressed with this hospital. The doctors care so much. David complimented the anesthesiologist with "take it from professional patients, you have great bed side manner." The doc choked up and told us he treats these kids like they are his own. It shows!

The surgeon tells me she thinks Eli has a vitamin D deficiency. So, we'll be tackling that upon our return home.

Sophia called me this morning saying, "I have exciting news!" She proceeded to tell me she has a loose tooth. I have to say, I was scared she might be telling me she found a dog and grammie said she could keep it.

Love to all,


Anonymous said…
Melissa,dear sweet girl,thank you for all the updates you share with so many other things on your mind.
We thank God that little Eli did not have to suffer too long and he is such a happy baby. We all adore him and love his family so much. Pray he will be able to handle that big cast and NOT knock his daddy in the head too hard.
Thank you for the update. I have been wondering and praying for you. So glad the surgery went well, and he was able to get some rest. Have a safe trip home.

Sophia - Congratulations on the loose tooth. Can't wait to see that beautiful toothless smile.

Emily Kaye said…
Glad to hear things went well. I've been praying for ya'll and will continue to do so! Congrats on the loose tooth...that's a big deal for a little girl.

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