First week of school...check

Eli has completed his first four-day school week. He was pooped this evening. He went to spend a few hours playing with Grammie and Grandpa and fell asleep about 20 minutes before we arrived to bring him home for the night.

He had a great first week.

On the first day, another child took Clifford...for about 1 second before the adults in the room rescued Elijah's very best buddy back into his arms. It was so cute. The other child really didn't care one way or the other, but Elijah let us know that he will do a lot of things, but sharing Clifford is NOT one of them. I took a "spare" Clifford to school for his bin, just in case we arrive without the trusty companion. Yes, we found spare Cliffords. Actually Aunt Lesli found them and Granna stocked Eli up.

Today was PJ day. The week's theme of "P" fit in nicely with their PJs and pancakes today. How fun.

Collect your box tops for education for the Little Light House!

Love you all,


Anonymous said…
School for Elijah sounds like so much fun. Just wondering if he is learning to say "P" "P" "P" "P" or is he popping his lips together. Everyone I tell that Elijah is in school is so excited. You have no idea how pleased we all are. Should I buy extra Cool Whip when you come to visit? And what kind of box tops do we collect?

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