Here's your Eli fix

Eli walking (physical therapist is hiding behind him).

Eli and Sophia washing mommy's car.


Anonymous said…
What a thrill just before retiring and yes, he is doing so well, so is his daddy (even if he does jiggle the camera)Just a tip from your favorite critic and if you had not called it to our attention I thought he was ready to step out in his new shoes. I think he likes them. I am so thankful. You guys do a fabulous job. G.Bobbie
Thank you for the fix of Eli AND Sophia! Eli looks like he is going to take off RUNNING! Enjoy these days while the kids think it is FUN to help you wash your cars. ;o) Love to all! Rob and Kathy
Anonymous said…
Eli takes on the world! Watch out! What a super little brother working as a team with his big sister. CUte precious children! So wonderful to seeing him doing so well.

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