Eli's Greatest Hits

Elijah's Video Time Presents: Another action-packed episode of... "Eli At Play"

This week's episode: Elijah plays with a train, builds a track and a tunnel, COUNTS TO FOUR, says please and thank you, then eschews politeness and demands more blocks, figures something out, has an idea, and finally, gets excited when a friend calls. "It's all very uplifting." - Owen Liebermann, Entertainment Weekly


Anonymous said…
Great Show Eli and David !!
Thanks again for keeping us up to date on Eli and how he is learning all about blocks, colors, making a choice, enjoying friends. It is so fun for grandmas and grandpas. We love you all so much.,
Anonymous said…
Thank you for sharing! Daniel, who is 3 days younger than Eli, says Eli can be his friend. He was very interested in everything and wanted to watch his video again.
Blessings to your family!

Stacey Ruston
Anonymous said…
You two look like you are having fun. Thanks for the video. Eli shows such enthusiasm and joy--it brings a smile everytime I see him.

Linda Ramirez
Anonymous said…
Wow Eli! I loved your tunnel. I wish I was there to be the tunnel for your cars like I was at Christmas. You are SOOOO smart! Tell Dad thanks for making another video. You all are the best! Aunt Lesli
Anonymous said…
What a smart, sweet, precious and smart little boy you have. I say sign himup for Greatest Home videos I just know he would wih first place (o: Sorry it's been so long since I posted. ALot is going on around here but it makes my heart so happy to see how well he is doing.
Leveta--Mom to Chad 18 (bio) and Sam 15 and Kaitrin 11 both from India through Dillon International
Awesome video! What a great kid Eli is. Please consider daily videos, ok? ;o) From your Ada groupies...Rob and Kathy

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