Trucking along

The thought of Eli having to deal with RP on top of everything else he has to deal with is still overwhelming to me, but I'm focusing on the NOW and the positive. So, don't ask me about the RP. I really don't want to talk about it yet. I'm just not ready. I know that is very unlike me, but I will tackle it with all my might soon...just not yet. Thanks for understanding.

Eli is on break from the Little Light House. Sophia's last day of 2nd grade was yesterday. She is thrilled to be a third grader. We are proud of both the kids.

Eli enjoys "swimming." I think he actually enjoys saying "I want to go swimming" more than he enjoys it once we get him in the kiddie pool. The biggest thing is if he hears Sophia is swimming....he must then swim. He will say everything Sophia says. He just repeats her. It is so cute. We love it.

Happy Memorial Day, friends. I'll be in touch.



Emily Kaye said…
I'm going swimming tomorrow...I'll be thinking of ya'll! Can't wait to see you!

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