To Shreveport...again

Tomorrow, Eli and David will be heading to Shreveport on the Shriner's van. We expect the docs in Shreveport to remove Elijah's splint to review his surgical outcome on his thumb. Then, I think they will recast it for a while. I plan to send the camera with David so we are sure to get a first look at the new thumb. I am hopeful that we can get the new cast removed in Tulsa rather than another trip to Shreveport in four weeks.

Eli is scheduled for his next surgery on April 12...that's for new tubes in his ears. We can tell that his hearing is impaired. His set of tubes placed 15 months ago are either falling out or out. They are no longer draining the fluid in his ears. They tell us it's like he's under water listening to what we say. So, it's mumbled and directionless. We knew it was an issue when we opted to have his thumb made rather than tubes placed the first week of March, which meant the ears would have to be 6 weeks later due to general anesthesia not being allowed that closely together.

Love you all,


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