Pictures of the Ramirez Kids

Sophia's pic is her at her seventh b-day sleepover party we had Friday night. Yes, I know she doesn't turn seven until June 21, but try telling her to have another b-day shin dig in the summer. She really wanted to have it while all the kids were still in school and a b-day party would be easier to attend. She got it with 16 attendees until 10 p.m. and 9 until 10 a.m. the next day! Fun was had by all. One of Eli sleeping with his rear up in the air. Too cute, but turning my camera on woke him up so his eyes are open. When Eli saw this photo on the computer screen, he licked Clifford's picture. He is licking more things and I encourage it. Soon, he will be eating. I just know it. The last one of Eli is at Sophia's school for opening assembly. Sophia was on stage doing morning announcements with some classmates and Eli and I sat in the bleachers. Love to all, Melissa