Eli's BIG Birthday Party

If you read this blog, we invited you to join us in celebration of Elijah's 5th birthday. The party was Saturday and more than 80 of you joined us to wish Eli the most special birthday wishes ever. Thank you to those of you who took your time to attend...it means a lot to us. To those of you who couldn't make it, we know you were here in spirit and heart.

I rarely think about the night Eli was born. That night and the days that followed are not pleasant memories for me. In fact, I cannot think of much during that time to make me smile. Yes, I was introduced in a profound way to the kindness of friends, family and strangers, but the uncertainty around Elijah overshadowed everything during that time.

I wanted to celebrate Eli's fifth birthday to overshadow the holiday of 2006. For now on, I'm going to remember the look on Eli's face as 80 people sang a hearty Happy Birthday to him. He loved every minute of it.

One of Eli's gifts, a new Clifford

Eli ready to open presents!

Eli and Grammie Ayers

Blowing out candle (with a little help)

Basking in the song

Eli and Ms. Brooke from the Little Light House

Did you notice in these photos how Sophia is always right at Eli's side making sure he has what he needs. She is his biggest fan and the best big sister anyone ever could have.

Thank you everyone!

P.S. Eli starts full-time public school tomorrow at Holmes Park. Pray for him as he makes this transition from the safe place that is the Little Light House to a little more unknown situation. He is ready. Holmes Park is ready. Am I ready? :)


Anonymous said…
Melissa: As I have said before, you know how to say and express your feelings so well. I have enjoyed all the discriptions and still let my imagination run wild thinking of Eli as he won everyone's hearts. We love you all and look forward to what these next 5, 10, 20 ?? years bring about for each one.
Anonymous said…
Wish we could have been there. We love you all so much. Happy Birthday again to our wonderful Eli. We'll be praying for his new start a Holmes. We are so thrilled he is able to go there. Love, Aunt Lesli & Uncle Carl
Happy Birthday to Eli! We would have loved to be at his party. We're so sorry we couldn't come. Thanks for this post and the great pics of Eli and Sophia. Praying that Eli's transition to public school is going well. You all are a beautiful family and a blessing to so many. God bless the FOUR of you! Love in Christ, Rob and Kathy Gandy
Leveta said…
Sorry I didn't get Eli's present mailed out. We have had alot going on with our son and other things. I am planning on getting it mailed out..Along with his presents are 2 books on cassette tape. The place where I work could not use them and I thought Eli would enjoy them. I just hope you have a cassette player. I wish I could have been there in person for his birthday.

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