Eli is almost FIVE!

Eli will be five years old on December 23. We've decided these five years deserve a BIG celebration. We're having a Birthday Party for Eli on Dec. 31 and we're inviting everyone who has been in Eli's life since his birth. It's been a wild ride.

So, since you read his blog, you are a member of his team and we want to invite you. If you haven't received an invitation it is only because I don't have your address. So send me an e-mail melramirez22@yahoo.com with your addy and expect your invite soon.



Anonymous said…
As I try to recall the highlights of the past 5 years,the sight we witnessed of Eli walking on his two legs, laughing and playing "catch you",overcame all the sadness & tears and we only heard "Praise the Lord". What a glorious life we have together in Christ. G & G
Leveta said…
Can you please send me a snail mail address at rayswithhim@centurytel.net I want to send something to Mr. Super boy Eli.

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