New Shoes!!

Today was a great day in the journey of Elijah Ramirez. He received new prosthetic legs. We call them shoes...since everyone wears shoes. They are innovative and creative. Eli's new prosthetist from OKC is our hero. Check these out.

Soon, you will see Eli walking.

Here's a note from Eli himself:

We love you all,


Anonymous said…
What an exciting time when Eli showed Grandpa Marvin and Grandma Bobbie his new shoes. Thank you Eli and your sweet Dad for taking the time. Great times ahead for Mom and Sophia. We love you all.
Susie said…
Yay Eli! We are so excited for you!
Emily Kaye said…
Yay for new shoes!! I love getting new shoes and Eli's look SO cool!
Anonymous said…
They look awesome!! Oh yeah, and Eli, in response to your statement: wi93 k,,,..,qwe,,!

-S. Beall
LOVE THIS!!! I had made myself stop checking for new posts so often, realizing that "no news is good news". So, upon checking in tonight, I was thrilled to see both new posts! Can't tell you how excited we are with these great pics and good news. God bless each of you. You all mean a lot to us. Love in Christ, Rob and Kathy
good luck eli i hope you love winter the dolphin

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