Circle Feet

Elijah loved the river. We'll post pictures soon.

Another 3-year-old little boy asked me about Eli's "circle feet." He commented that he didn't have circle feet himself and before I could help myself I had said "too bad for you." Perhaps horrible of me, I know. But the 3-year-old is family and I figure I'm forgiven for the transgression. Later, I tried to convince myself that calling what is at the end of Eli's leg "circle feet" just might work.

Eli made it onto the growth chart. He is in the .01 percentile. It probably means he is among the lightest of 3 year old children, but he's never been on the chart before. Honestly, I'd convinced myself I didn't really care about that, but being on the chart seems like a step forward. I remember when he was born and the months ticked by and they showed me the chart and said "uh...Eli's down here some where." Geez, thanks for the boost of hope there.

Five weeks to Elijah's next surgery. Another big one. Really big.

I see visions of Elijah running, eating and asking for more...lots more... and speaking clearly for all to hear and understand. Elijah's first steps will inspire me... and the world.

Pray for Elijah's health in these weeks leading up to his leg straightening surgery. Pray that when Eli visits the cleft palate team in OKC later this week that if there is additional intervention they can do for his speech that it be identified and a plan developed. Pray for safe travels as Eli and David go to OKC and Sophia and family travel home from the river later this week. Pray that Elijah continues to improve his finger/thumb pinch on his left hand to perfection.

Thank you for praying.

I love you all!


Emily Kaye said…
I love those precious "circle feet." You are all always in my prayers. Much love to you!
Anonymous said…
I love them "circle feet" too! Actually, I thought that was pretty articulate for a 3 year old.
Someday Eli will be wearing all kinds of shoes because he has circle feet...We're still praying.
Love you, minnie

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