Winter, you are dismissed

We've been on over drive the last bit.
David has pneumonia.
Eli has an ear infection.
I'm recovering from a cold that David caught which gave him pneumonia.
Sophia is fighting off the cold, which she caught from David or me...who knows.
The positive side, we are a very sharing family.
For those of you close to us just finding out the above via the blog, I apologize. We are all on the mend and no real need to sound any alarms. We are ready for a germ-free spring and summer!

Eli had an appointment today. Doc says he might still be ready for surgery on Wednesday if things clear up in his head a bit. We'll take him back in Monday morning to be sure. If doc clears Eli, we'll head to Shreveport for Eli's next surgery. This one will be a duplicate of the pinky muscles being moved to the thumb side on the other hand...that'd be the right hand.

I'd love to skip this surgery. I feel like we just now recovered from the Jan 5 surgery. But, it's so tempting to see the end of this list of surgical interventions and so we are forging ahead.

We are planning to go to the Shriner's Circus on Saturday. We plan to take Eli. This will be his first experience with something like this. I bet he loves it.

My brother and his precious Somer are expecting a baby...any day now...pray for baby surprises...boring entry into this wonderful world...that prayer has far more meaning to me since Eli's radical entrance.

Grandma Edna is still in the hospital in Dallas. Thanks for remembering her.

Love you all,


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