Amazing Taste Test

Elijah is spending a little time each day with his "Yum Yum," where he sits at the table with the big kids and scoops heaping globs of Gerber Stage One "Pineapple/Pear" into his mouth. It all started about the time of this video, about a month ago:

But how about when he crawls down an entire flight of stairs ALL BY HIMSELF?

Elijah continues to grow and improve every single day. Keep praying for him!


Emily said… is incredible. Wow. He has come a long way. I am so thankful to keep up with you all!
Emily Kaye said…
May I just say those two videos just made my evening!!! I can't wait to see my favorite kids soon. As Eli said so well, "bye ya'll."
Lora L Roberts said…
Them are both FREAKING AWESOME VIDEOS. Eli knows what is good, Oreo cookies can't go wrong with them. Jeremy use to get around by crawling on his back and pushing with his head backwards, it got him where he needed to go.
One word - AMAZING!!! Brought tears to my eyes. I saw him first-hand trying, and pretty much succeeding, to go UP, now he's doing down!! I also can't get over how verbal he is now. He is an amazing kiddo!!

Hannah says "hello"!!
Amberghini said…
Just think of what he will do with those prosthetics! I can't imagine!!!
Anonymous said…
I just happened upon your blog. Oh my, you have a darling little boy. I watched the video of him climbing down the stairs and it melted my heart. My family and I will be praying for this precious boy and his family.

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