In very, very hot Florida

Surprise! We're in Florida giving our daughter her dose of undivided attention. We left the day after mini laps and are nearing the end. Granna flew in to care for Elijah for the week. Thanks, Anna. Grandma Bobbie and Grandpa Marvin pitched in too. Thanks!

We have been flying through Peter Pan's world and dancing with the stars of High School guessed it, we are in Disney and loving every second of it.

We'll be home soon and share pics of our much-needed escape.

We all miss Eli so much, but this break has been a real pleasure. And, knowing Eli was well cared for in our absence made for a great trip.

Love you all. Please pray for our safe return.



Amberghini said…
YAY! We are going in 2 weeks! Can't wait to see your pics and hear all about it! You'll have to give us some pointers!

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