Elijah's Quest

Hello Team Eli!
Eli and David at Top of the Rock in NYC
The Ramirezes have had a very busy summer. First, we visited the Elk River with the McManus clan. Then, we went to Walt Disney World for five nights of action packed Mickey. Then, we went to New York City primarily to visit David's parents and secondarily to visit the world's coolest city. We've had fun. I tell Sophia that we've made up for having to miss some summer vacations since Elijah's birth. Elijah is learning more and enjoying his time at home. He starts public school for a few hours a day on Monday and back to the Little Light House on Wednesday. We're excited to get the routine rolling again. A few weeks ago Eli had his 16th surgery. New tubes put in his ears and a scheduled adenoidectomy. But, the ENT discovered Eli didn't have much adenoid tissue so the adenoidectomy didn't happen. That led us on an adventure analyzing Elijah's immune system since the adenoids and tonsils...