What is going on with that cute kid, you ask.

Easter Picture with a chick that Eli wouldn't actually touch. :) Hello Friends! I am delighted to share with you about Eli's recent progress. We moved! It's a big deal and we didn't really talk about it in our social media because it was pretty stressful and the reason we were moving might have been offensive to some. Let me explain. We moved for two main reasons 1. Eli needed some home modifications. The steep driveway, drop off on the side of the driveway and the layout of the house was not ideal for our sweet kid. 2. We felt that Eli needed to be in a different school. This was a big deal. It's not that his former school was bad...they just didn't have the resources to care for Eli the way David and I wanted. We wanted him in a regular classroom so he could learn at the same pace as his peers and his old school would not accommodate our request. He was also in a room with a child who was allowed to be aggressive toward other kids and she scared Eli r...